import*; import com.swath.*; import com.swath.cmd.*; /** * Probe exploration script for SWATH. Reads list of target sectors * from a text file. Automatic or interactive probing, automatic * restocking of probes when used at Stardock, automatic marking of * avoids when probes encounter enemy fighters. In interactive mode, * displays the route to each target sector and lets the user decide * whether to probe the route or move on to the next target. * *

* Detects intercepted probes and marks avoids. Allows the user to * begin probing from a specified line in the target list and reports * "restart line" when interrupted. The API does not detect when a * probe is destroyed at its destination, so keep your eyes on the * screen! [Note: LaunchEtherProbe.exec() hangs when a probe is * destroyed, so this script is effectively broken.] * *

* Remembers target list filename between runs. Fixed a minor bug * which may not have ever existed. * *

Bug reports to: * * @author Mongoose * @version 2.0, 28 July 2001 */ public class ProbeHunter2 extends UserDefinedScript { protected Parameter fileNameP; protected Parameter restartLineP; protected Parameter autoP; protected static String fileName = "eprobe.txt"; /* 1-based because most text editors show line numbers this way */ protected static int restartLine = 1; protected static final String title = "Probe Hunter"; protected static final String error = "Script Error"; int probesLaunched = 0; /* for statistics */ int targetsReached = 0; public String getName() { return title; } public boolean initScript() throws Exception { /* check prompt */ if(!atPrompt(Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT)) { MessageBox.exec("You must be at the command prompt.", error, MessageBox.ICON_ERROR, MessageBox.TYPE_OK); return false; } fileNameP = new Parameter("Target file:"); fileNameP.setType(Parameter.STRING); fileNameP.setString(fileName); restartLineP = new Parameter("Start at line:"); restartLineP.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); restartLineP.setInteger(restartLine); autoP = new Parameter("Auto probe?"); autoP.setType(Parameter.BOOLEAN); autoP.setBoolean(false); registerParam(fileNameP); registerParam(restartLineP); registerParam(autoP); return true; } public boolean runScript() throws Exception { /* The detailed error handling is to help me identify any bugs which may arise from unforeseen usage. */ String line = ""; int currentLine = 0; /* line num of last line read */ int target = 0; int reached = 0; /* scratch var for where probe got to */ int sectors = Swath.main.sectors(); boolean auto = autoP.getBoolean(); BufferedReader targetList; /* refresh info, force wait so swath will notice */ SendString.exec("i"); WaitForText.exec("Trader Name"); while(!atPrompt(Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT)) Thread.sleep(200); /* if you have no probes, and are either not at stardock or broke... */ if(Swath.ship.etherProbes() == 0 && (Swath.main.currSector() != Swath.main.stardock() || < 3000)) { MessageBox.exec("You have no probes!", error, MessageBox.ICON_ERROR, MessageBox.TYPE_OK); return false; } /* set up file reader */ fileName = fileNameP.getString(); try { targetList = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { MessageBox.exec("Target file does not exist.", error, MessageBox.ICON_ERROR, MessageBox.TYPE_OK); return false; } catch(IOException e) { MessageBox.exec("Error opening target file.", error, MessageBox.ICON_ERROR, MessageBox.TYPE_OK); return false; } restartLine = restartLineP.getInteger(); nextTarget: while(targetList.ready()) { /* get the next line from the target list */ try { line = targetList.readLine(); } catch(IOException e) { MessageBox.exec("Error reading from target list.", error, MessageBox.ICON_ERROR, MessageBox.TYPE_OK); return true; } ++currentLine; if(currentLine < restartLine) continue; /* parse the line */ try { target = Integer.parseInt(line); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { continue; } /* validate the target */ if(target <= 0 || target > sectors) continue; /* save current line for later */ restartLine = currentLine; /* keep probing until target is reached; the test to get out of this loop is at the end, around line 190. */ reached = 0; while(true) { /* display path to target */ if(!auto) { SendString.exec("c"); WaitForText.exec("Computer command [TL="); SendString.exec("f\r" + target + "\rq"); while(!atPrompt(Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT)) Thread.sleep(200); switch(MessageBox.exec("Shoot this path?", title, MessageBox.ICON_QUESTION, MessageBox.TYPE_YES_NO_CANCEL)) { case MessageBox.RES_YES: break; /* from switch */ case MessageBox.RES_NO: continue nextTarget; case MessageBox.RES_CANCEL: return true; } } /* check probes, buy more if needed */ if(Swath.ship.etherProbes() == 0) { if(Swath.main.currSector() == Swath.main.stardock() && >= 3000) { if(auto) buyProbes(); else if(MessageBox.exec("Out of probes. Buy more?", title, MessageBox.ICON_QUESTION, MessageBox.TYPE_YES_NO) == MessageBox.RES_YES) buyProbes(); else return true; } else { MessageBox.exec("Out of probes.", error, MessageBox.ICON_ERROR, MessageBox.TYPE_OK); return true; } } reached = LaunchEtherProbe.exec(target); ++probesLaunched; if(reached == target) { ++targetsReached; break; } else { SendString.exec("cv" + reached + "\rq"); /* continue */ } } } return true; } public void endScript(boolean finished) { if(finished) try { MessageBox.exec(probesLaunched + " probes launched, " + targetsReached + " targets reached.\n" + "Restart at line " + restartLine + " of " + fileName + '.', title, MessageBox.ICON_INFORMATION, MessageBox.TYPE_OK); } catch(Exception e) { /* ignore */ } } protected void buyProbes() throws Exception { SendString.exec("ps"); WaitForText.exec(" Where to? (?=Help)"); SendString.exec("he"); String line = WaitForText.exec("How many Probes do you want (Max"); /* buy max, blast off, and refresh info */ SendString.exec(line.substring(33, line.indexOf(')')) + "\rqqi"); /* wait for prompt */ while(!atPrompt(Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT)) Thread.sleep(200); } } /* end class ProbeHunter2 */