import com.swath.*; import com.swath.cmd.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; //MacroSSM alpha 1/29/03 // ansi animation off // silence all messages // haggle off // autokill figs turned on // try to have a good amount of experience like minimum 5000+, ideally 8000+ // // go browse your shipcategory in the computer's C command first. // then the script will automatically know your maxholds and maxfighters. // if youre in an alien ship you will probably have to enter maxholds and maxfighters manually. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Alpha version: sometimes it fake busts, and the script still does not recover after a fake bust. // report bugs on swath discussion forum, post ideas for new features there too, // and especially ideas on how to increase credits per hour, or how to catch fake busts... // you will probably get podded if you use this script when other people are online // but then again that goes for any wssm script... // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // regarding the status reports that are generated: // loop credits per hour measures the earning potential of the current SSM loop. // it is how much you would expect to make if you kept looping at these two ports // indefinitely without busting for an hour straight. Use it like a speedometer. // overall credits per hour measures how much you can actually expect to have at the end of 1 hour. // it includes the time and credits wasted refurbing and hunting down evil pairs, // and it wont really be useful till the script has been running 5-10 minutes or so. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // thanks mongoose for the code to learn from, supg for his TWX WSSM script // come play me unlimited at public class MacroSSM extends UserDefinedScript { private Parameter m_maxholds; private Parameter m_maxfigs; private Parameter m_stealfactor; private Parameter m_class0port; int scred,sexp,salign; int lcred,lexp,lalign; long stime,ltime; final JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Loop credits per hour:"); final JLabel label2 = new JLabel("$"); final JLabel label3 = new JLabel("Overall credits per hour:"); final JLabel label4 = new JLabel("$"); final JLabel label5 = new JLabel("Credits at start of script:"); final JLabel label6 = new JLabel("$"); final JLabel label7 = new JLabel("Current credits:"); final JLabel label8 = new JLabel("$"); final JLabel label9 = new JLabel("Time elapsed in seconds"); final JLabel label10 = new JLabel(""); public String getName() { return "Vito WorldSSM"; } public String getDescription() { return "This script will WorldSSM. It bypasses the Swath Command API\n"+ "and inlines macro strings for speed. 1/29/03"; } public boolean initScript() throws Exception { int recholds = 0; int recfigs = 0; if (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { PrintText.exec("\nStart this script at the command prompt\n"); return false; } try { recholds = Swath.ship.shipCategory().maxHolds(); } catch (Throwable t) { PrintTrace.exec("Problem getting maxholds"); } PrintTrace.exec("The ship category max is "+recholds+" holds."); if (recholds < 10) { recholds = 250; } try { recfigs = Swath.ship.shipCategory().maxFighters(); } catch (Throwable t) { PrintTrace.exec("Problem getting maxfighters"); } PrintTrace.exec("The ship category max is "+recfigs+" fighters."); if (recfigs < 10) { recfigs = 20000; } m_maxholds = new Parameter("Maximum holds your ship can have"); m_maxholds.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); m_maxholds.setInteger(recholds); registerParam(m_maxholds); m_maxfigs = new Parameter("Maximum fighters your ship can have"); m_maxfigs.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); m_maxfigs.setInteger(recfigs); registerParam(m_maxfigs); m_stealfactor = new Parameter("Steal factor"); m_stealfactor.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); m_stealfactor.setInteger(25); registerParam(m_stealfactor); m_class0port = new Parameter("Class 0 port"); m_class0port.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); m_class0port.setInteger(1); registerParam(m_class0port); return true; } public boolean endScript() throws Exception { throw(new Exception()); } public boolean runScript() throws Exception { scred =; sexp =; salign =; //stime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); stime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); PrintTrace.exec("Starting at "+Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString()); int class0port = m_class0port.getInteger(); int maxholds = m_maxholds.getInteger(); Random r = new Random(); int prevsector = Swath.sector.sector(); //**************************STATUS WINDOW*************************** //credit to mongoose for his getsectors script JPanel panel = Tools.createJPanel(); JFrame frame = Tools.createJFrame("MacroSSM Status", 1, 1); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 2)); panel.add(label1); panel.add(label2); panel.add(label3); panel.add(label4); panel.add(label5); panel.add(label6); panel.add(label7); panel.add(label8); panel.add(label9); panel.add(label10); frame.getContentPane().add(panel); frame.pack(); frame.setResizable(false); frame.setVisible(true); label6.setText(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(scred)); label8.setText(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(scred)); //********************************************************************* while (true) { if (maxholds > Swath.ship.holds()) { VitoMove(class0port); refurb(); int rnd = r.nextInt(Swath.main.sectors()); VitoMove(rnd); } while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } SendString.exec("#SHSD/"); WaitForText.exec("AtmDt"); boolean goodneighbor = false; int neighborsect = 0; //Am I at an evil twin? if (evilTwin(Swath.sector.sector())) { for (int i=0; i < Swath.sector.warps(); i++) { if (goodneighbor == false) { if (evilTwin(Swath.sector.warpSectors()[i])) { while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } SendString.exec("CF"+Swath.sector.warpSectors()[i]+"\r"+Swath.sector.sector()+"\rQ"); while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } while (Tools.findRoute(Swath.sector.warpSectors()[i],Swath.sector.sector()).length < 1) { Thread.sleep(25); } if (Tools.findRoute(Swath.sector.warpSectors()[i],Swath.sector.sector()).length == 2) { goodneighbor = true; neighborsect = Swath.sector.warpSectors()[i]; } } } } } //if I got a evil twin next to me if (goodneighbor) { //then SSM boolean keepgoing = VitoSSM(Swath.sector.sector(),neighborsect); if (keepgoing) { } else { frame.dispose(); endScript(); } } else { //credit to supg for this method in his script int bestmove = 1; int bestscore = 999999; for (int i=0; i < Swath.sector.warps(); i++) { int score = 999; Sector n = Swath.getSector(Swath.sector.warpSectors()[i]); // here's where you tally the score of sector n if (n.spaceName().equals("The Federation.")) { score = score + 99999; } if (n.anomaly()) { score = score + 99999; PrintTrace.exec("Anomaly in sector"+n.sector()); } if ((n.warps() == 1) && (n.warpSectors()[0] == Swath.sector.sector())) { score = score + 99999; } if ((n.density() == 100) && (n.portStatus() == Sector.PORT_AVAILABLE)) { score = score - 2; } if (n.density() > 200) { score = score + n.density(); } if (n.sector() == prevsector) { score = score + 75; } if (n.portStatus() == Sector.PORT_AVAILABLE) { score = score - 2; if (n.portInfo()[2] == Sector.BUYING) { score = score - 6; } } if (n.busted() != null) { score = score + 100; } if (n.sector() == Swath.main.lastRobStealSector()) { score = score + 50; } score = score - r.nextInt(10); if (score < bestscore) { bestscore = score; bestmove = n.sector(); } } while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep (25); } prevsector = Swath.sector.sector(); VitoMove(bestmove); while (Swath.sector.sector() == prevsector) { Thread.sleep(25); } } } } public boolean evilTwin(int n) throws Exception { boolean b = false; Sector s = Swath.getSector(n); //if its an xxB port if (s.portInfo()[2] == Sector.BUYING) { //if not busted if (s.busted() == null) { //if not last R/S sector if (Swath.main.lastRobStealSector() != n) { //if not fedspace if (!(s.spaceName().equals("The Federation."))) { //if theres no enemy figs if (s.fighters() == 0 && (!(s.ftrOwner().isYou() || s.ftrOwner().isYourCorporation()))){ //if theres no mines if (s.armidMines() == 0) { SendString.exec("CR"+n+"\rQ"); WaitForText.exec("deactivated"); while (s.portAmounts()[2] == -1) { Thread.sleep(25); } while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } //if the port isnt drained if (s.portAmounts()[2] > 250) { b = true; } } } } } } } return b; } public void refurb() throws Exception { int maxholds = m_maxholds.getInteger(); int maxfigs = m_maxfigs.getInteger(); while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } SendString.exec("DPTYA"+(maxholds-Swath.ship.holds())+"\rYB"+Math.min((,maxfigs - Swath.ship.fighters() )+"\rQD/"); WaitForText.exec("AtmDt"); while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } return; } public void status() throws Exception { int ecred =; int eexp =; int ealign =; //long etime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); long etime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); label8.setText(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(ecred)); int netcred = ecred - scred; int netexp = eexp - sexp; int netalign = ealign - salign; long nettime = (etime - stime)/1000 ; if (nettime < 1) { nettime = 1; } label10.setText(nettime+" "); String netcph = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(3600 * (netcred/nettime)); label4.setText(netcph); int thiscred = ecred - lcred; int thisexp = eexp - lexp; int thisalign = ealign - lalign; long thistime = (etime - ltime)/1000 ; if (thistime < 1) { thistime = 1; } String thiscph = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(3600 * (thiscred/thistime)); label2.setText(thiscph); } public void VitoMove(int dest) throws Exception{ int class0port=m_class0port.getInteger(); int sf=m_stealfactor.getInteger(); int here = Swath.main.currSector(); while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } //Plot the course if not adjacent if ((Tools.findRoute(here,dest).length > 2) || (Tools.findRoute(here,dest).length == 0)) { SendString.exec("CF\r"+dest+"\rQ"); Thread.sleep(1000); } while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT){ Thread.sleep(25); } int[] path = Tools.findRoute(here,dest); for (int i=1; i -1) { VitoMove(class0port); } else { endScript(); } } } } } } } } return; } public boolean VitoSSM(int s1, int s2) throws Exception{ int sf=m_stealfactor.getInteger(); Random r = new Random(); String str=" "; String[] waitforme = {"aren't that many","Success"}; //Move to the other sector to help clear any possible crap while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } Move.exec(s2); while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { Thread.sleep(25); } try { //Upgrade port and steal initial product if need be, otherwise just sell steal if (( + 5 < Math.min(Swath.ship.holds(), || (Swath.ship.fuel() > 0) || (Swath.ship.organics() > 0)) { if (Swath.ship.fuel() > 0 || Swath.ship.organics() > 0) { JettisonCargo.exec(); } SendString.exec(" -1) { SendString.exec("O31\rQPR\rS3"+Math.min(Swath.ship.holds(),"\r/"); str = WaitForText.exec(waitforme,5000); } } lcred =; lexp =; lalign =; //ltime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); ltime = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime(); //now start the loop while (true) { SendString.exec(" -1) { SendString.exec("O31\rQPR\rS3"+Math.min(Swath.ship.holds(),"\r/"); str = WaitForText.exec(waitforme,5000); } status(); } } catch (Throwable t) { if (t.toString().indexOf("Busted") > -1) { return true; } if (t.toString().indexOf("Timeout") > -1) { PrintTrace.exec("Maybe this port is maxed out"); while (Swath.main.prompt() != Swath.COMMAND_PROMPT) { PrintTrace.exec("Sleeping in VitoSSM Timeout"); Thread.sleep(25); } EnterComputer.exec(); PortReport.exec(Swath.sector.sector()); LeaveComputer.exec(); int rnd = r.nextInt(Swath.main.sectors()); VitoMove(rnd); return true; } return false; } } }