import com.swath.*; import com.swath.cmd.*; /** * This script demonstrate how to retrieve data from SWATH. * It also prints the data and asks the user some questions. * * @author Stein * @since SWATH 1.3 */ public class ExampleScript3 extends UserDefinedScript { private Parameter m_trader; private Parameter m_ship; private Parameter m_planet; public String getName() { return "Example Script #3"; } public String getDescription() { return "This script demonstrates how to retrieve data from SWATH.\n"+ "It also prints the data and asks the user some questions."; } public boolean initScript() throws Exception { m_trader = new Parameter("A trader name"); m_trader.setType(Parameter.STRING); m_ship = new Parameter("A ship #"); m_ship.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); m_planet = new Parameter("A planet #"); m_planet.setType(Parameter.INTEGER); registerParam(m_trader); registerParam(m_ship); registerParam(m_planet); return true; } public boolean runScript() throws Exception { Sector aSector; Trader aTrader; Ship aShip; Planet aPlanet; Corporation aCorp; String trader; int ship; int planet; int[] colos; int res; int i,n; // Set white foreground and black background + highlight mode SetTextMode.exec(SetTextMode.COLOR_WHITE, SetTextMode.COLOR_BLACK, SetTextMode.MODE_HIGHLIGHT); PrintText.exec("\n\n"); // Display some trader, ship and planet info trader=m_trader.getString(); if (!trader.equals("")) { aTrader = Swath.getTrader(trader); if (aTrader != null) { PrintText.exec("Trader '"+trader+"' has "+ aTrader.credits()+" credits.\n"); } else PrintText.exec("Trader '"+trader+"' is unknown.\n"); } ship = m_ship.getInteger(); if (ship != 0) { aShip = Swath.getShip(ship); PrintText.exec("Ship #"+ship+" has "+aShip.fighters()+" fighters.\n"); } planet = m_planet.getInteger(); if (planet != 0) { aPlanet = Swath.getPlanet(planet); colos = aPlanet.colonists(); PrintText.exec("Planet #"+planet+" has "+colos[Swath.EQUIPMENT]+ " colonists at product type Equipment.\n"); } // Set green foreground and black background + highlight mode SetTextMode.exec(SetTextMode.COLOR_GREEN, SetTextMode.COLOR_BLACK, SetTextMode.MODE_HIGHLIGHT); PrintText.exec("\n"); // Ask if the user wants to dump info res=MessageBox.exec("Dump info about you, your ship and SWATH ?", "SWATH Example Script #3", MessageBox.ICON_QUESTION, MessageBox.TYPE_YES_NO); if (res == MessageBox.RES_YES) { // Dump your trader info; // Dump your corporation info aCorp =; if (aCorp != null) { aCorp.dump(); } // Dump the current ship info Swath.ship.dump(); // Dump the main SWATH info Swath.main.dump(); } // Set magenta foreground and black background + highlight mode SetTextMode.exec(SetTextMode.COLOR_MAGENTA, SetTextMode.COLOR_BLACK, SetTextMode.MODE_HIGHLIGHT); // Ask if the user wants to dump sector info for sector #1 res=MessageBox.exec("Dump sector #1 ?", "SWATH Example Script #3", MessageBox.ICON_QUESTION, MessageBox.TYPE_YES_NO); if (res == MessageBox.RES_YES) { // Get and dump sector info for sector #1 aSector = Swath.getSector(1); aSector.dump(); } // Reset text mode to normal SetTextMode.exec(); return true; } public void endScript(boolean finished) throws Exception { // Nothing to do } }